For many San Diego residents, achieving clean, refreshing drinking water goes beyond simply turning on the tap. Reverse osmosis (RO) systems have become popular for those seeking an extra layer of filtration, but understanding the process behind this technology can feel daunting. 

Let’s break down the five stages of RO filtration in San Diego’s water treatment, making it easy to grasp how this method delivers pure H2O.

Stage 1: Sediment Filtration

The first stage of reverse osmosis involves a sediment filter. This filter removes larger particles like dirt, sand, and rust from the water. This initial step is important because these particles can clog the system and reduce its efficiency. By trapping these contaminants, the sediment filter protects the finer filters that follow.

Stage 2: Carbon Filtration

Next, the water passes through a carbon filter. This filter targets chlorine, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and other chemicals that affect taste and odor. San Diego County water often contains chlorine, which disinfects the supply. The carbon filter effectively removes chlorine, improving the water’s taste and smell.

Stage 3: Reverse Osmosis Membrane

An integral part of the RO system is the reverse osmosis membrane. This semi-permeable membrane removes up to 99% of dissolved salts, minerals, and other impurities. It allows water molecules to pass through while blocking larger molecules and contaminants. This stage is important for reducing substances like lead, arsenic, and nitrates, which are often found in municipal water supplies.

Stage 4: Post-Carbon Filtration

After the water passes through the RO membrane, it passes through a post-carbon filter. This stage polishes the water, removing any remaining traces of contaminants. The post-carbon filter ensures the water is pure and free from any residual tastes or odors. This final touch helps deliver clean, crisp drinking water.

Stage 5: UV Sterilization

Ultraviolet (UV) light kills bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms that may have bypassed the earlier filtration stages. UV sterilization is an effective method to make the water microbiologically safe. This stage is particularly important for areas like San Diego County, where water sources can sometimes be contaminated with pathogens.

The Benefits of Reverse Osmosis for San Diego County

Reverse osmosis offers several benefits for residents of San Diego County, such as the following:

  • Providing high-quality drinking water free from harmful contaminants. This is especially important in areas where water quality can vary. 
  • Cost-effective in the long run, reducing the need for bottled water. 
  • Environmentally friendly option, as it reduces plastic waste from bottled water consumption.

Maintaining Your Reverse Osmosis System

Regular maintenance is necessary to keep your reverse osmosis system functioning optimally. This includes replacing filters and membranes as recommended by the manufacturer. For San Diego County residents, following these guidelines is important due to the area’s water hardness and chlorine levels. Regular maintenance helps your system provide clean, safe drinking water.

Are you tired of the taste of San Diego tap water or worried about impurities? At Hague Quality Water, our RO systems deliver pure, refreshing drinking water straight to your tap. Contact us today for a free quote and experience cleaner, tastier water for your San Diego home.

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